
List pricing

Instrumental Music Composition

  USD 80  

IDR 800.000

• Professional Mixing and Mastering + 25% of Total Price

• Express Composition (One Day Service) +50% of Total Price


• No Vocal, we can add enchant or choir • An instrumental song will be completed in 34 work days

• Free 1 major revision (>=30% change), after that will be charged 50% of the Total Price each major revision.

• Free minor revisions (Instruments change,Some minor notes change)


Song with Performer

USD 200

 IDR 2.000.000

per minute music

• Additional Song
Performer + 75% of Total
Price each


• A song with vocal will be completed in 7-8 work days

• Free minor revisions only for the instrumental song

• Free 1 major revision/retake (>=30%change), after that will be charged 50% ofthe Total Price each major revision/retake

• Rate including recording and lyrics


Sound Effects


IDR 40.000 

per sound

 • More than 2 seconds
+50% per sound price


• Free 1 sound effect each 10 sounds

• Sounds will be in format .WAV

• Will give you 2 alternative per sound                                               • Free 1 major revision each sound (Replace),
after that will be charged 50% of price


Voice Acting

USD 8 / IDR 80.000 per

battle shout

• USD 50/IDR 500.000 per
Scene for Dialogue
Scene (max. 5


• A battle shouts pack minimum has 5-10
battle shouts
• A scene or a battle shouts pack will be
completed in 4-5 work days
• Free 1 major revision/retake (>=30%
change), after that will be charged 50% of
the Total Price each major revision/retake
• Rate including recording



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